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Social Sustainability and ESG are the new ‘SDGs’ in Outsourcing

With the UN Sustainable Development goals reaching their mid-term, the public and private sectors are still struggling with how to achieve sustainable development.  The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry may have an answer by embracing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks and embedding Social Sustainability in their work. 

BPO providers are firms providing human-centric business services to corporate and organizational clients.   Being people centered, Social Sustainability is therefore at the core of their work.  Firms, however, must still navigate a confusing web of legal requirements, sustainability frameworks, and reporting or disclosure systems, not to mention significant data collection and rendering requirements in order to demonstrate they’ve met their goals.

Social Sustainability in outsourcing doesn’t have to be complex however, and this white paper aims to demystify the idea by providing an overview of ESG and Social Sustainability systems and a bit of ‘how-to’ in implementing such frameworks in outsourcing scenarios. After all, there is a way to achieve truly sustainable development goals.

Read our white paper to make more informed decisions and drive more positive social impact in your outsourcing of work.

Click here or the image to read our white paper.